What is Empowered Wisdom Coaching?
I believe that intuitive, spiritually sensitive people can thrive in life because of their sensitivity, not in spite of it. When you work with your intuition, instead of fighting it, you have everything it takes to generate the kind of life experience that doesn't just bring happiness, but gives you a lasting sense of inner peace, self-love, and divine direction.
AND what's more? Being spiritually sensitive doesn't equal 'being ungrounded, indecisive, or weak'.
Being highly sensitive and intuitive is about where you get your personal power, preferences, and identity from, nothing else.
We don't need to 'be more reasonable, more logical, or more competitive'. We're allowed to be fully, deliciously OURSELVES. We're allowed to enjoy life. And we're allowed to go for what we really want, just like everyone else.
without forcing yourself to make decisions the way more logical or non-spiritual people do, or putting everyone's needs and wants above your own.
I built Empowered Wisdom Coaching for spiritually sensitive, empathic, and highly intuitive people - including those with and without a calling to serve others with their wisdom - to help them create thriving lives in ways that feel in flow and full of wonderful surprises.